Do you know what to consider when craftging an invitation in French?
- Type of event
- Cultural differences
- Calligraphy and images
- Event-specific vocabulary
- Country-specific vocabulary and phrases
Ok, but what makes it a true French invitation?
I suggest you to take the time to read this article because you’ll find PLENTY of ideas on how to craft your own invitation (announcement card, letter, document,…).
You want to make a nice French one, maybe it’s a bit blurry now but once you’ve read it and done the exercises, everything will be CLEAR.
I’m Thomas Ricomard, I teach French as a Foreign Language since 2015.

Nothing annoys people so much as not receiving invitations
Oscar Wilde
Essentials of crafting an invitation in French
The essential elements to include when crafting an invitation in French are
A wedding is part of a tradition and personal preferences of the two grooms, and takes place according to certain customs or rituals. Important moments are the exchange of vows, the exchange of rings and the declaration. A wedding can be an intimate ceremony or a large event with many people. It is by invitation only (uniquement sur invitation). It is rare for wedding but the invite can be made and accepted in an informal way (orally). A birthday is a meeting than can be celebrated with family or friends. Different cultures have different ways of celebrating it. In general we find these features in all traditions: The offer can also be done and accepted in the context of an informal request (orally). An invitation to a birthday party (une invitation à un anniversaire) They have a high level of protocol and refinement. They are organized for special occasions: professional or social. It includes political events (with well-known people sometimes). The most common clothing colors are black and white, smoking for men and dresses for women. The venues chosen are often dedicated to this type of event (luxury rooms, high-end restaurants,…). A set of persons can be assigned to a specific table. These expectations can vary from person to person, and there are always individual differences. When you’re traveling in a French-speaking country, to be on the safe side, I encourage you to ask the locals about expectations in terms of punctuality. To learn more about French birthdays: click here. The most popular choices are script fonts or classic serif fonts. Brush Script MT Lucida Calligraphy Vivaldi Segoe Script Edwardian Script ITC French Script MT Freestyle Script Script MT Bold Times New Roman Georgia Garamond Cambria Book Antiqua Palatino Linotype Baskerville Old Face Century Schoolbook A Parisian café (un café parisien) Lily flower (Fleur de Lis) French flowers and gardens (Fleurs et jardins français) Lavender (La lavande) Champagne and wine (Champagne et vin) Croissants and Baguettes Eiffel Tower (La tour Eiffel) If you need summer words to put in your invitation: click here. Watch these videos to learn how to make your DIY invitation. Remember my party tonight! Monsieur Dupond,… 1 – Votre confirmation est essentielle. Merci de répondre avant le 05/11/2024 en utilisant le carton d’invitation joint. 2 – Votre réponse favorable est attendue d’ici 05/11/2024. Merci de remplir le carton-réponse et de nous le retourner. 3 – Nous sommes impatients de célébrer avec vous. Veuillez RSVP avant le 05/11/2024 en utilisant l’enveloppe-réponse fournie. 4 – Nous comptons sur votre présence. Merci de bien vouloir confirmer votre participation avant le 05/11/2024. 5 – Votre réponse est requise d’ici 05/11/2024. Nous espérons que vous pourrez vous joindre à nous ! 6 – Afin de garantir votre place à cet événement spécial, veuillez répondre avant le 05/11/2024 en utilisant l’option RSVP. 7 – Pour nous permettre de préparer au mieux cet événement, veuillez répondre d’ici 05/11/2024 en utilisant le code couleur sur le carton d’invitation. 8 – Votre présence est importante pour nous. Prière de répondre avant le 05/11/2024 en utilisant le carton-réponse inclus. 9 – Merci de confirmer votre présence avant le 05/11/2024 en complétant le carton d’invitation ci-joint. 10 – Nous attendons votre réponse avec impatience. Merci de bien vouloir RSVP d’ici le 05/11/2024. If you don’t know how the days of the week are written in French: click here.
The event type weddings (les mariages), birthdays (les anniversaires), formal diners (les dîners formels, les dîners officiels) The date and time of the event la date et l’heure de l’évènement The location of the event where the event takes place (le lieu où se déroule l’évènement) The dress code the rules that define the type of clothing to be worn (the style and the color(s) / le style et l’importance de la (les) couleur(s) The RSVP instructions this is the abbreviation of the French expression Répondez, s’il vous plaît (Please, respond) A polite and engaging tone (un ton poli et engageant) offer the invitation in a courteous, friendly and clear manner Types of events and corresponding French vocabulary
Weddings (mariages)
Here are specific elements that are used on a wedding announcement card
The hosts (les hôtes): it can be the names of the parents of the person getting married Mr. Et Mme Dupond / La famille Dupond / De la part de… The invitation Mr. and Mrs. Dupond invite you… (Mr. Et Mme Dupond vous invite à… / Ils vous convient à une invitation à…) First and last names of the two people getting married Date (day, month, year) and time of wedding The address of the event venue: church, hall, house,… The dress code (le dress code) The RSVP instructions RSVP by [deadline] to [phone number] or [email address] (RSVP avant le [date limite] au [numéro de téléphone] ou par email à [adresse email]) An invitation to celebrate the marriage We invite you to join us in celebrating this wonderful event. (Nous vous invitons à nous joindre à nous pour célébrer ce magnifique évènement.) Birthdays (anniversaires)
Here are specific elements that are used on a birthday invitation card
Greetings Dear Mr. Dupond (Cher Mr. Dupond) The invitation We invite you to celebrate Mr. Dupond’s birthday (Nous t’invitons à fêter l’anniversaire de Mr. Dupond) .. Date (day, month, year) and time of the birthday The address of the venue at our place (chez nous),… The RSVP instructions to confirm the attendance RSVP by [deadline] to [phone number] or [email address] (RSVP avant le [date limite] au [numéro de téléphone] ou par email à [adresse email]) Sometimes a theme is chosen a costumed birthday party (un anniversaire costumé) Additional information Come without gifts if you like (Venez sans cadeaux si vous voulez) / Come along with your best smile (Venez avec votre plus beau sourire) Formal diners (les dîners formels, les dîners officiels)
Here are specific elements that are used on a formal diner invitation card
France For birthdays, it’s best to be on time to make a good impression. French like it when guests arrive on time, but can easily tolerate if they’re a little late. If guests are very late, this can be frowned upon. For weddings and especially formal dinners, the expectation is to arrive on time. Belgium Belgians expect guests to arrive on time, but a little lateness is acceptable, for all kind of events. Switzerland Swiss expect guests to arrive on time for all kinds of meetings. Quebec For birthdays, it’s best to be on time to make a good impression, but a little late can easily be tolerated. If guests are very late, this can be frowned upon. For weddings and especially formal dinners, the expectation is to arrive on time. Cultural norms for invitations in French-speaking countries
Punctuality expectations
France For birthdays, it’s best to be on time to make a good impression. French like it when guests arrive on time, but can easily tolerate if they’re a little late. If guests are very late, this can be frowned upon. For weddings and especially formal dinners, the expectation is to arrive on time. Belgium Belgians expect guests to arrive on time, but a little lateness is acceptable, for all kind of events. Switzerland Swiss expect guests to arrive on time for all kinds of events. Quebec For birthdays, it’s best to be on time to make a good impression, but a little late can easily be tolerated. If guests are very late, this can be frowned upon. For weddings and especially formal dinners, the expectation is to arrive on time. Gift-giving customs
France French people generally appreciate receiving gifts, and all types of gift are welcome. When you’re invited to dinner at a friend’s or friend-of-a-friend’s house, a bottle of wine is the most common gift. Belgium Whatever the type of event, giving a gift is always appreciated, but not all Belgians expect to be given a gift at an event. The most common gifts are a bouquet of flowers, chocolate or a bottle of wine. Switzerland Swiss always appreciate receiving gifts for special occasions. One gift the Swiss often give each other is Fendant, a white wine. Quebec Giving a gift is generally well received: flowers, wine, local products. The importance of formal language in French-speaking countries
France – Belguim – Switzerland – Quebec For official events and formal dinners, formal language is always used. For events such as birthdays, the language used is more casual. Designing a visually appealing French invitation
When it comes to create a good visual invitation, there are 4 elements to take into account
Choice of font and calligraphy for French elegance
Incorporating iconic French imagery and themes
Polite phrasing in French invitations
Invitation examples for formal greetings and salutations in French
Madame Dupond,..
Monsieur et Madame Dupond,..
Docteur Dupond,… (to invite someone with a Ph.D. to a formal event)
Monsieur, Madame et Famille Dupond,…
Cher Mr Dupond,…
Chère Mme Dupond,…
A l’attention de Mr Dupond,…
Monsieur le président Macron,…
Monsieur le ministre Dupond,…Répondez s’il vous plaît (RSVP) and follow-up etiquette
10 sentences to put in your French invitations
Your confirmation is essential. Please respond by 11/05/2024 using the enclosed RSVP card.
Your favorable response is expected by 11/05/2024. Kindly fill out the response card and return it to us.
We look forward to celebrating with you. Please RSVP by 11/05/2024 using the provided response envelope.
We rely on your presence. Kindly confirm your attendance by 11/05/2024.
Your response is required by 11/05/2024. We hope you can join us!
To secure your spot at this special event, please respond by 11/05/2024 using the RSVP option.
To help us prepare for this event, please respond by 11/05/2024 using the color code on the invitation card.
Your presence is important to us. Please respond by 11/05/2024 using the enclosed response card.
Kindly confirm your attendance by completing the enclosed invitation card before 11/05/2024.
We eagerly await your response. Please RSVP by 11/05/2024.
- A l’attention de Mr Dupond
- A l’attention de Mme Dupond
- Nous attendons votre réponse avec impatience. Merci de bien vouloir RSVP d’ici le 05/11/2024.

Language nuances for different French-speaking regions
Variations in French vocabulary across regions
France | Cordialement |
Belgium | Avec nos salutations distinguées |
Switzerland | Avec nos salutations les meilleures |
Quebec | Bien à vous |
France | RSVP Répondez s’il vous plaît |
Belgium | Réponse souhaitée |
Switzerland | Prière de répondre |
Quebec | SVP confirmer |
France | Tenue correcte éxigée |
Belgium | Dress code |
Switzerland | Tenue de soirée |
Quebec | Code vestimentaire |
France | Réponse souhaitée (you already know that one) |
Belguim | Réponse souhaitée |
Switzerland | Réponse souhaitée |
Quebec | Confirmation de présence (confirmation of presence) |
France | Vin d’honneur: refers to the moment after the ceremony when a drink is offered, usually wine. Traiteur (caterer): a caterer offers a meal preparation and delivery service, often for special events (birthdays, weddings, formal dinners, etc.). |
Belguim | Apéritif dinatoire: an aperitif with a variety of foods |
Switzerland | Cocktail dînatoire: an event where food and cocktails are served |
Quebec | Buffet froid chaud: a buffet with cold and hot food |
Cultural references and regional highlights
France | Vin et gastronomie (Wine and gastronomy). Formules de politesse élaborées (Elaborate greetings). |
Belguim | Chocolat et bière (chocolate and beer). Ambiance conviviale (Friendly atmosphere). |
Switzerland | Montagnes et nature (Mountains and nature). Des messages en plusieurs langues (Messages in several languages). |
Quebec | Musique et festivités (Music and festivities). Termes et expressions typiquement québécois (Typical Quebec terms and expressions). |
If you want to know how to write the countries in French: click here.
If you need to know what is a real French breakfast: clik here, and if you want to put pictures of French pastries in your invitation: click here.
- Avec nos salutations distinguées
- Répondez s’il vous plaît
- Tenue correcte éxigée

What are some common phrases used in French invitations?
Il nous ferait plaisir de vous compter parmi nous lors de..
We would be delighted to welcome you to our…
Merci de bien vouloir confirmer votre présence avant le 02/04/2024.
Please, confirm your attendance before 04/02/2024.
Tenue de soirée éxigée.
Formal wear required.
Can you provide invitation examples for French invitation wording for a wedding?
Madame et Monsieur Dupond ont l’honneur de vous inviter à célébrer leur union lors de leur mariage.
Madame and Monsieur Dupond have the honor of inviting you to celebrate their union at their wedding.
Merci de nous faire savoir si vous pourrez être des nôtres avant le 02/04/2024.
Please, let us know if you can join us before 04/02/2024.
Is ‘invitation’ feminine in French?
Yes, invitation is a feminine word → une invitation.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article!
Do you have questions-comments, please, write them below and I’ll give you an answer.
Thomas, your French teacher 🙂