Can you name different type of French rooms? …
- La chambre simple (the single room)
- La chambre double (a double room)
- La chambre avec des lits jumeaux
- La suite
There are many words to describe or set up your own ‘room in French’…which ones are they?
It may be a no man’s land for you now, so go through the article and you’ll MASTER everything about
la chambre en français.
I am Thomas, I teach French to +100 students worldwilde.

I am going to make everything around me beautiful, that will be my life.
Elsie de Wolfe
Understanding room types in French accommodations
The different types of rooms in hotels
In France, hotels offer a variety of room types to meet the needs and preferences of customers.
In France, many hotels emphasize individualistic service and gastronomy (well-chosen and well-presented food on the plate). Particular attention is paid to the way in which we welcome the customers: politeness and kindness on the part of the hotel staff.
French homestay room descriptions
What exactly are these accommodations and what do they offer in terms of the local living experience?
- This offers a true cultural immersion.
- Sometimes we can eat (in the dining room) with the family, and therefore discover the local food.
- The host, who knows the area, can give information about local life, which facilitates the integration of the traveler.
- The idea is to create an atmosphere similar to that of a family home.
- The breakfasts can be composed of local products and specialties.
- The owners can give information about the lcoale life.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Leonardo da Vinci
Designing a French-style room
Incorporating classic design elements
- well-chosen colors
- refined patterns
- decorative elements that come from the traditional French style
Modern French room aesthetics
What does a modern French bedroom look like?
Watch these two videos to know more about it! You won’t learn that in school.

Une chambre d’amis (a guest room)
Une salle de conférence (a conference room)
Une loge / un vestiaire (a dressing room)
Le salon situé à l’avant de la maison (the front room)
La salle des urgences (the emergency room)
La salle de musique (the music room)
Les toilettes (the powder room)
La salle de presse (the press room)
Le débarras / la réserve (the storage room)
La salle de réception (the function room)
La salle d’opération (the operating room)
La salle de jeux (the game room)
La buanderie (the utility room)
Une petite chambre (a small room)
Learning French room vocabulary
Basic French terms for parts of a room
Here are basic French terms for the parts of a room in a house:
- Les murs (walls)
- Le mur (wall)
- La peinture murale (wall paint)
- Le papier peint (wallpaper)
- La plinthe (baseboard)
- Les sols (floors)
- Le sol (floor)
- Le revêtement au sol (floor covering)
- Le tapis (carpet)
- Le carrelage (tiling)
- Le plancher (floor)
- Les plafonds (ceilings)
- Le plafond (ceiling)
- La corniche (cornice)
- Les poutres (beams)
- Les lampes de plafond (ceiling lamps)
- Le lustre (chandelier)
- Les portes (doors)
- La porte (door)
- Le chambranle (door frame)
- Le panneau (panel)
- La poignet (doorknob)
- Le loquet (latch)
- Les fenêtres (windows)
- La fenêtre (window)
- Le vitrage (glazing)
- Le double vitrage (double glazing)
- Le volet (shutter)
- La véranda (conservatory)
Furniture and decor vocabulary in French
Here are vocabulary words of furniture and decoration in French:
- Les meubles (furniture)
- Un canapé (sofa)
- Une chaise (chair)
- Une table basse (coffee table)
- Une armoire (wardrobe)
- Un lit (bed)
- Une commode – Un vaisselier (dresser)
- Les accessoires (accessories)
- Un coussin (cushion)
- Une lampe de table (table lamp)
- Une lampe de chevet (bedside lamp)
- Un miroir (mirror)
- Un cadre photo (photo frame)
- Un bougeoir (candle holder)
- Pour décorer les murs (to decorate the wall)
- Un tableau (painting)
- Une étagère (shelf)
- Une horloge (shelf)
- Une tapisserie (tapestry)
- Les meubles d’extérieurs (outdoor furniture)
- Une chaise longue (lounge chair)
- Un parasol (parasol)
- Une table de jardin (garden table)
- Un hamac (hammock)
- Un banc de jardin (garden bench)
- La cuisine et la salle à manger (the kitchen and the dining room)
- La table de la cuisine (kitchen table)
- Un tabouret (stool)
- Le bar (bar)
- L’armoire à vin (wine cabinet)
- Les placards (cupboards)

French culture through the lens of ‘la chambre’
Historical French room layouts and their evolution
Here is the evolution of the layout of the French rooms:
- Middle ages and Renaissance
- Le lit à baldaquin: they were very decorated and were in the center of the rooms. They were associated with a high social status.
- Les tapisseries sur les murs: the tapestries represented scenes from mythology or history.
- Les meubles en bois sculpté: there were a lot of wooden cabinets and tables with a lot of carved patterns.
- Baroque – Rococo (17th-18th centuries)
- Le lit en bois doré: the beds were composed of many golden ornaments.
- Un mobilier asymétrique: furniture with curves, characteristic of the Rococo style.
- Du bois sur les murs: carved wooden panels often covered the walls.
- Neoclassical style (18th century)
- Le lit à la française: the beds became simpler, they had fewer ornaments.
- Les couleurs: use of softer colors for the walls and furniture. They were not only present in a room but also in a chat room.
- Du mobilier en acajou: wooden pieces reflecting a certain prestige, that can be found in a chat room as well.
- Victorian era (19th century)
- Le lit baldaquin en fer forgé: the materials are lighter and the romantic style appears.
- Les motifs floraux: floral motifs were very present in the clothes, on the walls and carpets
- Art Nouveau – Art Deco (20th century):
- Le lit en laiton: beds with a much simpler style.
- Les motifs géométriques: appearance of many geometric patterns on the walls and furniture.
- Le mobilier en chrome: appearance of the use of modern materials that characterizes the Art Deco style.
- Modern style (20th century to the present day)
- Le lit plateforme: it is close to the ground and consists of simple lines.
- Le mobilier avec des modules: flexible furniture to optimize space.
- Les couleurs: use of neutral and soothing colors.
Importance of the room in French literature and cinema
The room holds an important place in French literature and cinema, it plays an important symbolic and cultural role.

How do you say ‘room’ in French?
‘Room’ in French is la chambre.
What is the French term for ‘the living room’?
‘The living room’ in French is le salon.
How do you ask for a room in a French hotel?
Here are phrases to ask for a room in a French hotel:
Est-ce que je peux réserver une chambre, s’il vous plaît ? (Can I book a room, please?)
Avez-vous une chambre disponible ? (Do you have a room available?)
Je voudrais réserver une chambre. (I would like to book a room.)
You’ve read all the article, bien joué!
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Thomas 🙂