How to ask ‘When is your birthday’ in French? – The best guide for English speakers.

  • comfortable engaging in a dialogue (with native French speakers) related to the theme of birthdays.
  • able to express dates in general and birthdays in French PERFECTLY.
Someone who is celebrating is birthday
To be sure you’ll remember how to share your birthday in French, translate into French these 3 phrases (write your answers in the comments and i’ll give you a feed-back)

Today, I am one year older.

Tomorrow, it’s my birthday.

I am celebrating my birthday next Friday.
To be sure you’ll remember how to ask someone about their birthday in French, translate into French these 3 phrases (write your answers in the comments and i’ll give you a feed-back)

When were you born, please?

Can you tell me your date of birth, please?

When do you celebrate your birthday?

To remember
To facilitate your learning, maximize retention of information in long-term memory and ensure that you express yourself correctly in an exchange with native French speakers, you can memorize only these phrases

C’est mon anniversaire aujourd’hui.
It’s my birthday, today.

Quand est-ce que tu es né ?
When were you born?
Learning how to say 'when is your birthday in French?'
French English
Le lundi Monday
Le mardi Tuesday
Le mercredi Wednesday
Le jeudi Thursday
Le vendredi Friday
Le samedi Saturday
Le dimanche Sunday

French English
Janvier January
Février February
Mars March
Avril April
Mai May
Juin June
Juillet July
Août August
Septembre September
Octobre October
Novembre November
Décembre December
  • the day
  • the month
  • the year

To be sure you remember how to express a birthday date in writing and orally in French, translate into French these 3 phrases (write your answers in the comments and i’ll give you a feed-back)

My birthday is on October 4, 1987.

My sister’s birthday is on January 10, 2002.

My birthday is on October 7, 1990.

To remember
To facilitate your learning, maximize retention of information in long-term memory and ensure that you write correctly dates in French, focus on this

Mon anniversaire c’est le 5 août 1984.
My birthday is on August 5, 1984.

Mon anniversaire c’est le 05/08/1984.
My birthday is on August 5, 1984.
A French birthday

People talking about celebrating a birthday
Answer and complete these 10 questions and affirmative phrases
(write your answers in the comments and i’ll give you a feed-back)

Quelle jour sommes-nous ? ………………………………………..
What day is it today?

Quelle est la date de demain ? ………………………………………..
What is tomorrow’s date?

Quelle est ta date d’anniversaire ? ………………………………………..
What is your date of birth?

Quand est-ce que ta mère est née ? ………………………………………..
When was your mother born?

Quelle est le jour de la naissance de ton frère ou de ta soeur ? …………………………………….
What is the day of birth of your brother or sister?

En quelle année est née Sophie ? ………………………………………..
What year was Sophie born?

Mon anniversaire, c’est le ………………………………………..
My birthday is on the ………………………………………..

Quand est-ce que tu souffles tes bougies ? ………………………………………..
When do you blow out your candles?

Quel mois est-ce que vous êtes né ? ………………………………………..
What month were you born in? ………………………………………..

Tu es née en quelle année ? ………………………………………..
What year were you born?
Birthday related FAQ,2615509.htm